
Certified organic growers since 2014

Our legacy is in our soil. Tending a vineyard means recreating the best possible conditions, in order to extract only the best from the different soils and valorize the unique characteristics of each one. It means nurturing all the components of a natural habitat whose balance is fundamental to sustaining life. It means taking care of them.

Today, we directly operate more than 250 hectares of vineyards according to the protocol of certified organic viticulture. An initiative that began in 1989, as an experiment, and came to completion in the past few years. The vineyards are spread over 10 townships in Franciacorta, and the average age of the vines is over 20 years.

The Franciacorta

The Franciacorta

It is from Franzacurta (deriving from the Latin franchae curtes, a region exempt from paying tribute) that it took its present-day name. What counts most, however, are its roots, remote in time. Credentials earned through longstanding wine traditions, the strength of ideas, enterprising farmers and bold entrepreneurs.

One of the first regions to get D.O.C. status, in long-ago 1967. Franciacorta quickly gained renown for the products of its land and the commitment shown by everyone investing resources and ideas in quality enology. New energies, new impetus, new enthusiasm. New generations, impassioned and innovative, drawn by the great international success that these splendid bubblies have obtained. In 1995 Franciacorta was given D.O.C.G. (Denomination of Origin Controlled and Guaranteed) status, a significant testimonial to its winemakers’ continuing commitment to excellent work and to further improving the quality of Franciacorta wines.
 The uniqueness of the place

The uniqueness of the place

Saying Franciacorta today means proudly and confidently declaring a great love for wine and for the cultivation and culture of a dream, a mark of destiny.

"The Designation’s past achievements need updating, which is already under way. Its production rulebook cannot be looked upon simply as a set of laws: in fact, everyone must adhere to the rules as a moral contract between people, history and tradition. The ultimate goal is to find a way to give back to the land what has been “taken” from it over the years. In order to instill this type of outlook, it is necessary to augment the collective know-how, so as to preserve and protect the uniqueness of the place and the authenticity of the wines as we knowingly assist in the positive development of the terroir."

Maurizio Zanella



Franciacorta D.O.C.G

A single name that embraces a territory, its wine and its method of production. A great tribute to the exclusivity of this terroir.

Curtefranca D.O.C.

An important sign of the renewed commitment to valorize the varietals historically cultivated in the area.

I.G.T. Rosso del Sebino

Created in 1995, the best expression of indomitable spirit and the value of tradition.
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